Noles C.A.R.E.
You can make a difference by knowing how to C.A.R.E. Use the following steps and reach out to someone who may be at risk.
Communicate Concern
- Speak to the person in private
- Be Specific
- "I've noticed you haven't been around — what's going on?"
- "You seem down lately, can I do something to help?"
- Offer emotional support. Listen more than talk. Be mindful that your body language shows you’re listening. Maintain eye contact.
Ask Questions
- Ask open-ended questions
- "I've noticed you've been a little 'off' lately, what’s going on?"
- Ask the most important question directly without passing judgment
- "Have you ever thought of suicide?"
- "Are you thinking of killing yourself?"
- DO NOT Ask: "You wouldn’t kill yourself, would you?" as this may discourage open communication and an honest answer.
Refer to Resources
Encourage Help-Seeking
- Support the person by helping them connect to a resource (e.g. calling Counseling and Psychological Services together or walking with them to the center)
- If the person resists help:
- Listen to their reasons and encourage them to try
- If the person is in immediate danger to self or others:
- Call 911
- If you aren’t sure what to do:
- Contact a campus resource