Know the Facts:
You can make a difference by knowing the facts about suicide and suicide prevention. Thoughts of suicide may occur when one’s emotional pain exceeds one’s resources for coping with pain.
- Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death among 15-24 year olds and the 2nd leading cause of death among 25-34 year olds (Florida Suicide Prevention Coalition)
- There is 1 suicide every 16 minutes and 89 suicides per day (CDC)
- Nearly 50% of suicide victims have an elevated blood alcohol level (
Facts vs. Myths
- Myth: Asking about suicide will put the idea in someone’s head.
- Fact: By asking someone if they are suicidal, you are providing them with the safe opportunity to express their feelings and to get support to seek help.
- Myth: Suicide is an impulsive act and those that talk about it won’t kill themselves.
- Fact: 70% of people that die by suicide expressed their thoughts of suicide or showed warning signs